| | | Services and Estimated Fees Fees and payment method may vary and will be discussed with the customer before services begin. Discounts on multiple horses! Payment expected on day of service. A farm call fee of $25.00 is charged if travel is greater than 50 miles round trip. The fee is waived for dental work on 3 or more horses. Basic equilibration - includes: - Molar table corrections
- Removal of minor "hooks" and "ramps"
- Realignment of minor incisor maloclussion
- Removal of buccal and lingual "points"
- Reduction of minor protuberant molars
| $75 | Major hook/ramp removal | $30 - $75 | Major realignment and balancing of incisors | $30 - $60 | Major protuberant molar reduction | $50 - $85 | Wolf tooth extraction | $10 per tooth | Canine reduction and buff | $10 per tooth | Remove incisor caps and fragments | $10 - $25 | Remove deciduous molar caps and fragments | $10 - $25 | Molar extractions | $50 - $200 | Incisor extractions | $50 - $200 | Tartar removal | $10 - $30 | * Tooth extractions are an invasive procedure. For the well-being of your horse - and as required by law - any extractions must be performed under the supervision of a veterinarian.  |